What is your nature?
My artistic practice explores natural places and our emotional connections to them, illustrating the importance of protecting these spaces. Time spent in different parts of the world influenced my interest in landscape art. I use plein air studies, reference photos, and past dreams to create my digital landscapes. While examining themes of environmental change and concepts of home, I feature the Tree of Life as a main focal point. This sacred tree serves as a model for various traditions in cultures and religions worldwide. In my series it represents balance, cycle of life, and most importantly, connection.

"Me and You", digital painting, 27” x 20”, 2024

"Taking Things As They Are", digital painting, 27” x 20”, 2024

"Trusting The Heart", digital painting, 27” x 20”, 2024

"Father & Son", digital painting, 7” x 12”, 2024

"Campsite B5", digital painting, 24” x 16”, 2024

"Summer In Duluth", digital painting, 24” x 9”, 2023